Supporting you through all stages of motherhood

About me

About me page

About me as a person

Hi, hello and welcome to Mum Vibes. This is where I tell you about me! I find so often when Mum’s tell you about themselves, they start by saying I’m a mum to…. Instead I’m going to start by telling you about me as a person before I tell you about me as a Mum! My name is Sophie, I work part-time as a therapeutic radiographer. That means I use powerful x-rays to treat patients with cancer. You can find out more here

In my spare time I enjoy baking, walking and scrolling through Instagram for hours at a time. My insta is here if you want to find it 😉. I love sticking a girl power playlist on and singing at the top of my lungs while pottering around the house. This always includes Little Mix, and usually adverts because i’m too tight to pay for premium.

I also run a campervan cooking blog with my other half Mark, and we go away often in our van Terence. My baking isn’t limited to the house, and I love to bake in the van too. Many of the memories I have of my Great Nan involve baking. I remember climbing on a step and making up chocolate cupcakes with her, and licking the spoon obviously. So baking has always been something I have enjoyed, and who doesn’t like cakes?!?

About me and my family

I am a Mum to 2 boisterous boys, and part of a blended family of 7! I have been married and divorced and after being a single Mum to my 2 boys I was lucky enough to meet Mr B. He has 3 children, and so together we make quite the tribe. Our children range in ages, with a 7 year age gap between the youngest and eldest. This has come with it’s challenges but also some amazing fun, experiences and memories.

Why did I create Mum vibes?

I created Mum vibes as a place for Mums to discover and remind themselves how to be true to themselves. Too many websites focus on how to be a good parent. Lot’s of how to’s and the best way to be a Mother. There is a ‘U’ in Mum and the importance of that should not be forgotten. We owe it to ourselves to retain some of the personality we had before kids, and our kids deserve to see that side of us too. This website is not going to tell you how to be a good parent, nor is it going to guide you through how to have the perfect life according to social media. I created this website to share experiences from myself and other mothers about their real lives, and share this with others. There is also a Mum vibes village on Facebook where you can connect with other Mums, for friendship, laughter and support.

That’s enough about me for now. Feel free to comment below or message me on social media if you have any questions!

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Sophie x