Mindfulness can be a great tool for busy Mums. Mindfulness can help us Mums manage stress, and have a positive impact on our physical and mental well-being. Here guest blog post author Debbie shares simple mindful moments for daily life.

Guest author Debbie, also known as The Mindful Meerkat, is a mindfulness coach. Dealing with becoming a single Mother, life was overwhelming. Debbie always felt on high alert and as such her sons likened her to a meerkat. Looks like it stuck, and became a part of her business name. Scroll to the bottom to see how to contact Debbie.
Why did I become more mindful?
During lockdown, I developed agoraphobia. I couldn’t leave the house, not even to go into the back garden. I was trapped in the house and trapped in my mind. Simple tasks like putting the rubbish out, or hanging out the washing became impossible. Luckily there is online shopping as there was no way I could go to the shop. My family had to take on a lot of the household tasks I used to do.
I was furloughed but think that work would have saved me as I would have to leave the house for that. Unfortunately I worked in a leisure centre and they were shut. Enough was enough. I couldn’t live like this and I knew the time would come that I had to leave the house so I contacted MIND Cymru and joined their Active Monitoring program (now called supported self-help). I was introduced to mindfulness and it saved me. Not instantly, but over time.
Why did I become a mindfulness coach?
Mindfulness has changed my life. I don’t say that lightly. I genuinely feel so much better now. Taking things slowly, living in the moment, and single-tasking have helped me become stronger, calmer, and happier. I want to pass this way of life onto as many people as I possibly can. My aim is to help you to bring mindful moments into your day. Every mindful moment is a time for you to relax and focus on one thing. Stop thinking about the past, worrying about the future and concentrate on NOW!
How to get simple mindful moments in daily life
Meditation is not for everyone but there are other ways you can bring mindfulness into your life. Here are five easy mindfulness exercises that can help you through your day.

Simple breathing
Close your eyes and concentrate on your breathing. Breathe in for the count of four, hold for the count of four and breathe out for the count of four. Repeat for as long as you need to.
Sit and listen to the world go by. Close your eyes and listen to the sounds around you or listen to the silence. Allow yourself to get lost in the moment and forget about things that need doing.
Stretch your body. Concentrate on the movements. Concentrate on the feelings of the stretch. How does your body feel? Stretch from your fingers to your toes.
Slow down
Whatever you are doing do it slowly. Focus on the task and enjoy every moment of it. Take your time and give your full attention to what you are doing
Listen to music
Listen to your favourite song. Really listen to it. Listen to it as if it were the first time you have heard this piece of music. Feel the music in your body and the meaning of the lyrics.

You can make anything into a mindful moment by focusing on it completely. Give yourself over to the task in hand rather than thinking seven steps ahead and rushing about your day.
Where to find Debbie
For more information on mindfulness, follow me on Instagram @the_mindful_meerkat. You can sign up to my mailing list and watch my free masterclasses right here.
lots of love,
Debbie aka The Mindful Meerkat x
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