dragons and mythical beasts

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During the summer holidays we went to see dragons and mythical beasts at the New Victoria theatre in Woking. Here is our review!

In the summer holidays I took my 2 boys on a day out each week. For one of these trips I decided to take them to watch the dragons and mythical beasts show. We had previously seen Dinosaur world live from the same company and we had all loved it.

The Dragons and mythical beasts show runs for just under an hour with no interval. The recommended age is 3+. It is an interactive show and has been nominated for an Olivier award.

Tickets were £15 each, plus booking fee. I booked the tickets around a month in advance and we managed to get seats in the stalls. We hadn’t been to the New Victoria theatre before and so were excited to visit somewhere new.

dragons and mythical beasts

The theatre is in a shopping centre. We parked in the shopping centre car park and then went on the hunt for snacks. The centre itself doesn’t have many shops in there. There is a poundland and we managed to get some goodies to take in with us.

Both boys were excited for dragons and mythical beasts to begin. They enjoyed the first part of the show, but became fidgety in the second part. It didn’t really hold their attention. The audience is led through the story by Dave the hero trainer. During the show you are introduced to different mythical beasts, such as a griffin, the tooth fairy and of course a dragon!

Good things about dragons and mythical beasts

There were good things about the theatre show. There was a lot of audience participation. This kept a lot of the younger children engaged. The puppetry was absolutely incredible! The dragons and mythical beasts were believable and the movements were great.

Bad things about dragons and mythical beasts

Although the show was short, it struggled to keep the attention of my 2 (they are 6 & 8). The other older children in the audience also seemed to lose their interest. it was good that the show called children up onto the stage, but it left a lot of children disappointed in the audience.


Dragons and mystical beasts rating

We had very high expectations following the dinosaur show, and unfortunately this didn’t quite live up to our expectations. For £15 per ticket, it is a good price for theatre tickets, was it worth £45? No. We probably wouldn’t go to any similar shows as they seem to be aimed at younger children than mine. I definitely look forward to taking them to the theatre more though!


You can see more reviews from our days out here.