A 2 layer sponge cake with buttercream and roasted Strawberries on the top. In between thr layers of cake more buttercream icing is visible with hints of strawberry juice oozing onto the sponge. It is plated on a vibrant pink plate

If you are looking for a delicious recipe to try this summer, then this roasted strawberry and elderflower cake is exactly what you have been looking for! The sweetness of the strawberries and the richness of the creamy icing will make you feel like you’re court side at Wimbledon.

Why roast the strawberries?

Why mess with the sweet, juicy taste of a strawberry I hear you ask. Roasted strawberries have a more concentrated flavour. Roasting them really takes them to the next level. This means the flavour of the strawberries is richer and sweeter, perfect for topping your summer cake. You could even roast a larger batch and use them with yogurt and granola, or overnight oats!

It’s super easy to do as you’ll see in the recipe below. Once roasted and placed into a bowl with the juices from roasting, the strawberries will cool and release even more delicious juice. This is great for adding some colour and flavour to your icing.

Recipe for roasted strawberry and elderflower cake


For the roasted strawberries:

  • 400g Strawberries
  • 2 tbsp caster sugar
  • 1 lemon (zest & juice)
  • 2 tbsp water

To make the sponge:

  • 225g unsalted butter
  • 225g caster sugar
  • 3 large eggs
  • 250g self-raising flour
  • 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • 50ml milk
  • 50ml elderflower cordial
  • Pinch of salt

For the icing:

  • 125g unsalted butter
  • 350g icing sugar
  • 125g full-fat soft cheese


  1. Pre-heat the oven to Gas mark 7 (220oC) Hull the strawberries, slice any large ones in half. Toss with 2 tbsp caster sugar, the zest and juice of the lemon (reserve 1/2 the zest for the sponge mixture), and water. Place on a baking tray and roast in the top of the oven for 20 minutes. Take out and put aside in a bowl to completely cool.
  2. Turn the oven down to Gas mark 4 (1800C). Prepare 2 8 inch round sandwich tins, by greasing them and lining with baking paper.
  3. In a large mixing bowl beat the caster sugar and butter until light and fluffy. Add the eggs one at a time, with each egg add 1 tbsp flour. Add the baking powder to the remaining flour and fold into the wet mixture. Add the remaining lemon zest and the salt. Finally, add the milk and elderflower cordial.
  4. Bake in the centre of the oven for 25 minutes or until risen and golden. A skewer inserted should come out clean. Once baked, leave to cool completely before icing.
  5. To make the icing, beat the butter in a bowl until pale. Gradually whisk in the icing sugar until thick and fluffy. Add the cream cheese and whisk until smooth. Add in 2 tbsp of the strawberry juices.
  6. Spread half the icing on the bottom sponge and add half the roasted strawberries. Place the second sponge on the top and cover with the remaining icing, roasted strawberries and their juices.
  7. I like to store mine in the fridge, as the icing can get runny in warm weather. If it doesn’t all get eaten it should last covered over for up to 3 days. It is quite rich though, so make sure you have some people to share it with!

roasted strawberry cake