A review of the book the snow child.I decided I needed to give my bookcase a clear out, as I rarely find the time to read books these days. There is something quite magical about reading an actual book, the feel and smell of the pages. The sound when you snap the book shut after reading the last page! I must admit I miss it, and so I have hung onto quite a few books.
Before kids I used to love reading books but never get the time these days, so audible has been my best friend. So while clearing out my books I had a pile of ones I wanted to keep, but knew realistically I wouldn’t get the time to read them. I looked them all up on audible and added them to my wish list! The snow child was one of these books.
What is the snow child about?
The Snow child was written in 2012 and was a finalist for the Pulitzer prize. Set in the 1920’s in the Alaskan wilderness. The snow child focuses around married couple Jack & Mabel who set up a homestead, which they have sacrificed everything for. Determined to make it work, they struggle to adapt to their new way of life.
Throughout the book Mabel is haunted by memories and feelings of the child they lost many years before. After building a snow girl one day a mysterious young girl appears on their deserted snow covered land. Who is she? Where did she come from? What will become of her?
My thoughts
This book is not something I would usually go for. I must admit, the cover attracted me and when I read the back of the book I decided to give it a go. One audible credit later, the book was delivered to my library and I began to listen.
From the beginning, I was hooked. A tale full of love, friendship and wonder. The story kept going back to a fairy tale Mabel remembered being told as a young girl. A tale of a snow child made by an old couple who came to life.
I loved the relationship between Jack and Mabel. Throughout the story you could feel their deep love for one another. Also their deep desire to share their love with another after the loss of their own child.
I felt the book had a slow pace, which reflected the pace of life on the homestead. The author paints a really beautiful image of the land they live on, and their day to day life.
If I had to describe this book in one word, it would be magical! I’m glad I gave it a chance. I would not usually choose an adult fairy tale style book, but I did genuinely really enjoy this book.